Game ready models for the Unity3d engine. Use freely except do not include them in any model collection or resale them.
Free the models is a site that offers free 3d models in 3ds, wavefront, bryce, poser, lightwave, md2 and unity3d format. Also a great collection of textures to use in your favorite modelling and rendering program.
All the content is free for any use.

m16a203 riffle

Unity3d package of the m16a203 riffle.
IIt comes with diffuse map and normal map. The specular map is in the alpha channel of the diffuse map. Ready to attach to your character.

Vertices: 2360 Triangles: 2139
File size: 1.52 mb

marine combat knife

Unity3d package of a Marine combat knife.
It comes with diffuse, specular and normal map. The specular map is in the alpha channel of the diffuse map.

Vertices: 258 Triangles: 264
File size: 498 kb


Unity3d package of 8 different grenades. They have diffuse and normal map applied. The grenade types are: m52, m61, m69, m83, m84, mk2, mk3a2. There is also a second set included without the pull ring.

File size: 6.20 mb


Unity3d package of the Dragunov sniper riffle. It comes with diffuse and normal map.

Vertices: 4986 Triangles: 4542

File size: 3.02 mb

alien textures collection

Unity3d package of Alien Tetxures, including: diffuse, normal, specular and height map.

Size: 48.4 mb

My Unity Assets on Unity AssetStore.